You Shall Be My Roots

You Shall Be My Roots

You shall be my roots and
I will be your shade,
though the sun burns my leaves.

You shall quench my thirst and
I will feed you fruit,
though time takes my seed.

And when I’m lost and can tell nothing of this earth
you will give me hope.

And my voice you will always hear.
And my hand you will always have.

For I will shelter you.
And I will comfort you.
And even when we are nothing left,
not even in death,
I will remember you.

~ Mark Z. Danielewski, House of Leaves

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Tax Day Limericks!!

That’s right, it is everyone’s favorite, Tax Day Limericks!! Let’s lighten the mood a little shall we?

Those with delicate spam blockers or delicate sensibilities may choose (or may have it chosen for them) not to continue.

The limerick is furtive and mean;
You must keep her in close quarantine,
Or she sneaks to the slums
And promptly becomes
Disorderly, drunk and obscene.

– Morris Bishop
There was a young man of Cape Horn,
Who wished he had never been born,
Nor would he have been
If his father had seen
That the end of the rubber was torn.

– Algernon Charles Swinburn(?) (1837-1909)

There was a young lady of Louth,
Who returned from a trip in the South;
Her father said: ‘Nelly,
There’s more in your belly
Than ever went in at your mouth’

– Norman Douglas (1868-1952)

For travellers going sidereal,
The danger, they say, is bacterial.
I don’t know the pattern
On Mars, or on Saturn
But on Venus it must be venereal.

– Robert Frost

A man from the Washington Post,
Once had it off with a ghost;
At the height of orgasm,
The pale ectoplasm
Shrieked: ‘Coming! I’m coming . . . almost!’

– Anthony Burgess

There was a young maid of Peru,
Who swore she never would screw,
Except under stress
Of forceful duress,
Like: ‘I’m ready. How about you?’

– Isaac Asimov

A taxi-cab whore out at Iver
Would do the round trip for a fiver
– Quite reasonable too,
For a sightsee, a screw,
And a ten-shilling tip for the driver.

– Victor Gray

There was a young lady of fashion,
Who had oodles and oodles of passion;
To her lover she said,
As they climbed into bed:
‘Here’s one thing the bastards can’t ration.’

– Anon.

There was a young girl, very sweet,
Who thought sailors’ meat quite a treat.
When she sat on their lap
She unbuttoned their flap,
And always had plenty to eat.

And shared by Jim G (April 2014):

There once was a man from Siberia,
Whose morals were rather inferior!
He done to a nun,
What none should have done,
And now she’s a Mother Superior!

And shared by Michele (April 2012):

There was a young lady of Chichester
Who made all the saints in their niches stir.
One morning at matins
Her breasts in white satins
Made the Bishop of Chichester’s britches stir.

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Time Passes

Time Passes

Time too is afraid of passing, is riddled with holes
through which time feels itself leaking.
Time sweats in the middle of the night
when all the other dimensions are sleeping.
Time has lost every picture of itself as a child.
Now time is old, leathery and slow.
Can’t sneak up on anyone anymore,
Can’t hide in the grass, can’t run, can’t catch.
Can’t figure out how not to trample
what it means to bless.

~ Joy Ladin

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A Song From the Suds

A Song From The Suds

Queen of my tub, I merrily sing,
While the white foam raises high,
And sturdily wash, and rinse, and wring,
And fasten the clothes to dry;
Then out in the free fresh air they swing,
Under the sunny sky.

I wish we could wash from our hearts and our souls
The stains of the week away,
And let water and air by their magic make
Ourselves as pure as they;
Then on the earth there would be indeed
A glorious washing day!

Along the path of a useful life
Will heart’s-ease ever bloom;
The busy mind has no time to think
Of sorrow, or care, or gloom;
And anxious thoughts may be swept away
As we busily wield a broom.

I am glad a task to me is given
To labor at day by day;
For it brings me health, and strength, and hope,
And I cheerfully learn to say-
‘Head, you may think; heart, you may feel;
But hand, you shall work always!’

~ Louisa May Alcott



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What is True

What is True

one must be one
to ever be two

and if you
were a day
I’d find a way

to live
through you

~ Ben Kopel

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Emily Dickinson at the Redhouse!

Poetry in Theatre!

Syracuse folks ~ Celebrate National Poetry Month by going to The RedHouse this weekend!
Belle of Amherst is a delightful one woman show written by William Luce.
April 10 & 11 @ 8pm $25 for non members $15 for members

Based on the life of poet Emily Dickinson from 1830 to 1886 and set in her Amherst, Massachusetts home. The play makes use of her work, diaries, and letters to recollect her encounters with the significant people in her life – family, close friends, and acquaintances. It balances the agony of her seclusion with the brief bright moments when she was able to experience some joy.

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Wine Tasting

Wine Tasting

I think I detect cracked leather.
I’m pretty sure I smell the cherries
from a Shirley Temple my father bought me

in 1959, in a bar in Orlando, Florida,
and the chlorine from my mother’s bathing cap.
And last winter’s kisses, like salt on black ice,

like the moon slung away from the earth.
When Li Po drank wine, the moon dove
in the river, and he staggered after.

Probably he tasted laughter.
When my friend Susan drinks
she cries because she’s Irish

and childless. I’d like to taste,
one more time, the rain that arrived
one afternoon and fell just short

of where I stood, so I leaned my face in,
alive in both worlds at once,
knowing it would end and not caring.

~ Kim Addonizio

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Reminder: PIYP !!!!!

National Poem in Your Pocket Day will be held on April 30th this year.

What will you be carrying?

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Around Us

Around Us

We need some pines to assuage the darkness
when it blankets the mind,
we need a silvery stream that banks as smoothly
as a plane’s wing, and a worn bed of
needles to pad the rumble that fills the mind,
and a blur or two of a wild thing
that sees and is not seen. We need these things
between appointments, after work,
and, if we keep them, then someone someday,
lying down after a walk
and supper, with the fire hole wet down,
the whole night sky set at a particular
time, without numbers or hours, will cause
a little sound of thanks–a zipper or a snap–
to close round the moment and the thought
of whatever good we did.

~ Marvin Bell

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We Have Come To Be Danced

We Have Come To Be Danced

We have come to be danced
Not the pretty dance
Not the pretty, pretty, pick me, pick me dance
But the claw our way back into the belly
Of the sacred, sensual animal dance
The unhinged, unplugged, cat is out of its box dance
The holding the precious moment in the palms
Of our hands and feet dance.

We have come to be danced
Not the jiffy booby, shake your booty for him dance
But the wring the sadness from our skin dance
The blow the chip off our shoulder dance.
The slap the apology from our posture dance.
We have come to be danced
Not the monkey see, monkey do dance
One two dance like you
One two three, dance like me dance
but the grave robber, tomb stalker
Tearing scabs and scars open dance
The rub the rhythm raw against our soul dance.

We have come to be danced
Not the nice, invisible, self-conscious shuffle
But the matted hair flying, voodoo mama
Shaman shakin’ ancient bones dance
The strip us from our casings, return our wings
Sharpen our claws and tongues dance
The shed dead cells and slip into
The luminous skin of love dance.

We have come to be danced
Not the hold our breath and wallow in the shallow end of the floor dance
But the meeting of the trinity, the body breath and beat dance
The shout hallelujah from the top of our thighs dance
The mother may I?
Yes you may take 10 giant leaps dance
The olly olly oxen free free free dance
The everyone can come to our heaven dance.

We have come to be danced
Where the kingdoms collide
In the cathedral of flesh
To burn back into the light
To unravel, to play, to fly, to pray
To root in skin sanctuary

We have come to be danced
We have come.

~ Jewel Mathieson

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